Phase two of MTD will require digital links and an uninterrupted digital journey

Phase two of MTD will require digital links and an uninterrupted digital journey

HMRC’s Making Tax Digital (MTD) is about more than just introducing new rules; it’s about the digital transformation of tax. This agenda is creating a new, digitalised tax environment beyond indirect tax that all businesses will need to navigate going forward. It presents many opportunities for management through a new line of sight across the […] … Read More

End-to-end VAT lifecycle software is the backbone of digital tax reporting

End-to-end VAT lifecycle software is the backbone of digital tax reporting

As technology advances, so too does the reality of tax authorities wanting to drill into an organisation’s indirect tax processes to assess its compliance and controls. Failure to comply with tax legislation and demonstrate adequate controls can have a range of consequences, including penalties levied by authorities. Having end-to-end value-added tax (VAT) compliance software for […] … Read More

Indirect tax teams must evolve and keep pace with digital tax reporting requirements worldwide

Indirect tax teams must evolve and keep pace with digital tax reporting requirements worldwide

According to the European Commission, EU countries lost an estimated €140 billion in value-added tax (VAT) revenues in 2018. It’s an astounding amount of money, yet through the introduction of digital tax reporting, many tax authorities have started to make positive inroads into recouping VAT payments from businesses. Whether these VAT losses are down to […] … Read More

MTD for VAT – Addressing the elephants in the boardroom

MTD for VAT – Addressing the elephants in the boardroom

If you had been working toward meeting the requirements of HMRC’s Making Tax Digital (MTD) for VAT deadline in April 2020, then you were probably relieved when it was postponed to April 2021. We’ve all spent this year trying to manage our way through the global pandemic, both personally and professionally, so having one less thing […] … Read More