Tax & Accounting Blog

What are countries doing to implement <span style=OECD’s BEPS Pillar 2.0?">

What are countries doing to implement OECD’s BEPS Pillar 2.0?

As the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development’s (OECD) ground-breaking Base Erosion Profit Shifting (BEPS) framework for taxing the digital economy is being implemented, countries around the globe are beginning to roll out the second of the OECD’s two BEPS pillars—Pillar 2.0. Pillar 2.0 aims to end the ‘race to the bottom’ on tax rates […] … Read More

How can businesses take advantage of the rules of origin to lower their customs duties?

How can businesses take advantage of the rules of origin to lower their customs duties?

It is no secret that customs duties can be a major source of expense for businesses. By considering the rules of origin under free trade agreements (FTAs), it is possible to reduce the costs of these duties by applying preferential duty rates. Rules of origin refer to regulations that establish the country of origin for […] … Read More

How to achieve global minimum tax compliance with limited resources

How to achieve global minimum tax compliance with limited resources

International tax planning is undergoing enormous change.  By the beginning of 2024, a new Global Minimum Tax (GMT) regime will come into effect under the OECD’s base erosion and profit-sharing initiative. With these newly introduced “Pillar Two” rules, multinational companies with revenues of more than €750 million will have to pay a minimum 15% rate […] … Read More

Measuring the ROI of ONESOURCE Statutory Reporting: 2023 Forrester Consulting Study

Measuring the ROI of ONESOURCE Statutory Reporting: 2023 Forrester Consulting Study

Statutory reporting processes can be painstaking to carry out manually. There is a diverse range of reporting requirements to consider and keep up with. When finance professionals handle these processes without the right elements of technology and automation, they take considerably longer to execute. To help provide finance professionals with a framework with which to […] … Read More

The Tax Technology Transformation: Getting Started

The Tax Technology Transformation: Getting Started

According to the Thomson Reuters 2022 State of the Corporate Tax Department report, almost two-thirds of all corporate tax departments are either at, or near the beginning of their tax technology journey. As a result, understanding how to manage the transition to a more automated, technologically sophisticated department is a top priority for many tax […] … Read More

How best-in-class tax software saves companies time and money

How best-in-class tax software saves companies time and money

In any large company, the idea of achieving greater “efficiency” is really an ongoing effort to increase profitability by finding ways to modify various systems, processes, and workflows in order to save time and money. Tax departments must also take into account external factors such as inflation and rising interest rates, which add pressure to […] … Read More