Top 5 Country-by-Country Reporting Challenges for Multinational Enterprises
and How Technology Can Solve Them

On the surface, the country-by-country (CbC) reporting requirements set forth by the OECD may seem like a simple task. After all, you have a full 12 months after fiscal year-end to complete what looks like a quick fill-in-the-box exercise, right? Wrong.
After reading the regulations more closely, you realize you should be ready by fiscal year-end to notify tax authorities worldwide as to which entities in your multinational enterprise (MNE) group will file the CbC reports. That’s challenging because some jurisdictions may receive the CbC reports from the ultimate parent entity, some from a surrogate entity and some from a local entity.
CbC reporting is no easy task, but technology can significantly ease the burden. Download this free paper to discover five major CbC reporting challenges and how technology can solve them.