Tax & Accounting Blog

How corporate tax departments are applying indirect tax technology

How corporate tax departments are applying indirect tax technology

Businesses must innovate and adapt to the changing indirect tax landscape to stay competitive. Corporate tax departments are using technology increasingly as a strategic partner to address these issues. Insight on how indirect tax departments intend to use technology to transform their operations can be found in a recent study conducted by the Thomson Reuters Institute. Accepting […] … Read More

5 ways technology can strengthen a corporate tax team

5 ways technology can strengthen a corporate tax team

Whether it’s regulatory requirements, such as DAC7, GMT, BEPS 2.0 Pillar, or the ongoing tax industry talent shortage, tax departments are under stress like never before. The proper utilisation and deployment of technological solutions alongside valued tax professionals is how successful tax departments deliver valued analysis, insights, and guidance for their organisations. Yet, technological maturity […] … Read More

Does your corporate tax department have an effective risk reduction strategy?

Does your corporate tax department have an effective risk reduction strategy?

Most tax professionals know that dealing with forces beyond their control—and the costly disruptions they cause—is a way of life. Unfortunately, many tax departments are feeling a strain on their resources as a result of these events. This, in turn, puts tax departments at greater risk for even more audits and stiffer penalties. This trend […] … Read More

Phase two of MTD will require digital links and an uninterrupted digital journey

Phase two of MTD will require digital links and an uninterrupted digital journey

HMRC’s Making Tax Digital (MTD) is about more than just introducing new rules; it’s about the digital transformation of tax. This agenda is creating a new, digitalised tax environment beyond indirect tax that all businesses will need to navigate going forward. It presents many opportunities for management through a new line of sight across the […] … Read More

Top 4 considerations for a successful MTD for VAT implementation

Top 4 considerations for a successful MTD for VAT implementation

The final deadline to be ready for HMRC’s Making Tax Digital (MTD) for VAT is rapidly approaching in April 2021. Perhaps you are only looking to comply by updating processes and digitalising the transactions needed that add up to make your UK VAT returns. However, many companies are choosing to take a longer-term view and realise that this is […] … Read More

Tax technology – the enabler of business continuity

Tax technology – the enabler of business continuity

We’re almost half-way through 2020 and what a year it’s been so far. While many businesses have spent months and, in some cases, years trying to digitally transform their operations and practices, COVID-19 has acted as an accelerant like no other, forcing companies, willingly or not, into the 21st century. Business leaders and managers have […] … Read More