Tax & Accounting Blog

How to avoid common VAT determination mistakes and stay compliant

How to avoid common VAT determination mistakes and stay compliant

Indirect taxes can be some of the most perplexing to calculate correctly the first time and filed correctly — especially when paired with HMRC’s Making Tax Digital (MTD) mandates for digital record keeping and reporting. While intended to simplify VAT across the EU, the MTD initiative has contributed to an additional amount of confusion around […] … Read More

Making Tax Digital (MTD) for VAT:  What does it mean for you?

Making Tax Digital (MTD) for VAT: What does it mean for you?

The HMRC’s Making Tax Digital (MTD) mandate was designed to simplify and expedite tax reporting, with advantages, according to their website that include:   Making it easier for individuals and businesses to get their taxes right Allowing businesses to integrate tax management with a range of business processes through software Contributing to wider productivity […] … Read More

Top 20 FAQs about the EU VAT One-Stop Shop

Top 20 FAQs about the EU VAT One-Stop Shop

The European Commission’s latest value-added tax (VAT) regulations for online sellers and marketplaces amount to countless pages of legislation, which could take a good deal of time to review, digest, and implement. If your e-commerce business-to-consumer (B2C) organisation is still trying to keep pace with the July 2021 changes, we have compiled a list of […] … Read More

How to leverage ONESOURCE for regulatory changes across Norway and Romania

How to leverage ONESOURCE for regulatory changes across Norway and Romania

New regulations in Norway and Romania illustrate further regulatory updates impacting European VAT compliance and reporting obligations as tax authorities push towards digitalisation and greater transparency. Our constant monitoring of VAT legislation ensures that ONESOURCE Indirect Compliance continues to support our clients seamlessly through evolving changes. Below are the specific Norwegian and Romanian VAT changes […] … Read More

Overcome the new One-Stop Shop’s challenges and unlock its opportunities

Overcome the new One-Stop Shop’s challenges and unlock its opportunities

Despite going live on 1 July 2021, the European Union’s new value-added tax (VAT) rules, which established the One-Stop Shop (OSS) online portal, still create confusion for online sellers. The latest e-commerce regulations not only impact more business-to-consumer (B2C) companies and transactions, but now demand a more detailed evaluation of your business models. For some […] … Read More