Tax & Accounting Blog

How procure-to-pay tax solutions help manufacturers avoid tax overpayments

How procure-to-pay tax solutions help manufacturers avoid tax overpayments

Procure-to-pay (P2P) tax determination helps manufacturers reduce Value Added Tax (VAT) exposure and avoid wasting money through overpaid input tax Many manufacturers use a procure-to-pay (P2P) digital procurement system to help them extract the most value from their procurement spend. But they’re often overlooking a significant aspect of that spend: the rules around accounting for […] … Read More

4 questions for manufacturers to reduce VAT overpayments

4 questions for manufacturers to reduce VAT overpayments

Manufacturers should ask these four questions to focus their Value Added Tax (VAT) tax strategy, avoid VAT overpayments, and control spend. Controlling spend is essential at a time when manufacturers are experiencing an unprecedented level of stress from many directions. Given the amount of change in 2020, one important lesson learned this year is that […] … Read More

Avoid incorrect tax calculations and protect your organisation

Avoid incorrect tax calculations and protect your organisation

Automate tax calculation and overcome the complexities that accompany your global footprint. For businesses of all sizes, calculating indirect taxes correctly isn’t just a matter of getting the maths right – it’s vital to the health of the organisation. Inaccurate tax calculations can be costly and can inhibit an organisation’s ability to plan, grow and […] … Read More

How indirect tax technology can shape tomorrow’s tax departments

How indirect tax technology can shape tomorrow’s tax departments

2020 has been a very different year compared to what we all expected. From an indirect tax perspective, the phase two deadline of MTD for VAT was on the horizon for 2020. Planning for Brexit, whilst uncertain, was definitely on the radar. The pandemic upended all of this and took everyone into a daunting and […] … Read More