Tax & Accounting Blog

How to master the tax provision process

How to master the tax provision process

The mounting stress experienced by tax professionals related to the tax provision process is a double-edged sword. It can cause anxiety, but may also present tremendous opportunities, according to panelists for the Thomson Reuters webinar: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ “From compliance necessity to strategic advantage: How can you master the tax provision process?” _____________________________________________________________________________________________ “The tax profession, overall, is facing […] … Read More

Are you ready for tomorrow’s Direct Tax, AI, and technology developments?

Are you ready for tomorrow’s Direct Tax, AI, and technology developments?

The pace of change experienced by today’s tax departments feels unprecedented. And, amid this transformation, tax departments are facing a host of challenges, including growing complexity, talent shortages, and financial constraints. Yet, as challenging as the rapid pace of change may be, it doesn’t relieve tax firms of the responsibility to prepare appropriately. The good […] … Read More

The future of Global Minimum Tax: What to expect in 2024

The future of Global Minimum Tax: What to expect in 2024

In 2024, the new Global Minimum Tax (GMT) regime comes into force under the OECD’s base erosion and profit-shifting (BEPS) reforms. Designed to prevent the practice of moving profits to lower tax jurisdictions, under the new “Pillar Two” rules, companies whose revenues exceed €750m will have to pay a minimum tax rate of 15% in […] … Read More

The tortured journey of data: How tax technology speeds up tax compliance, provision, and reporting

The tortured journey of data: How tax technology speeds up tax compliance, provision, and reporting

Data is king in today’s fast-paced world of finance and tax. Yet, for many companies, the journey of data from disparate sources to financial close, tax returns, and reporting can be torturous. Data consolidation challenges, complex calculations, and reporting requirements can turn the trek into a daunting ordeal fraught with time-consuming inefficiencies and greater risk […] … Read More

What are APIs and how can they streamline tax provision calculations?

What are APIs and how can they streamline tax provision calculations?

Tax teams prepare tax provisions by gathering data, performing calculations, and entering the results into forms. However, corporate tax teams find it difficult to automate this process. With the help of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), these teams can revisit their year-end workflow with an eye to making it more efficient. What are APIs and how […] … Read More

How to achieve global minimum tax compliance with limited resources

How to achieve global minimum tax compliance with limited resources

International tax planning is undergoing enormous change.  By the beginning of 2024, a new Global Minimum Tax (GMT) regime will come into effect under the OECD’s base erosion and profit-sharing initiative. With these newly introduced “Pillar Two” rules, multinational companies with revenues of more than €750 million will have to pay a minimum 15% rate […] … Read More