Tax & Accounting Blog

How corporate tax departments are applying indirect tax technology

How corporate tax departments are applying indirect tax technology

Businesses must innovate and adapt to the changing indirect tax landscape to stay competitive. Corporate tax departments are using technology increasingly as a strategic partner to address these issues. Insight on how indirect tax departments intend to use technology to transform their operations can be found in a recent study conducted by the Thomson Reuters Institute. Accepting […] … Read More

The future of Global Minimum Tax: What to expect in 2024

The future of Global Minimum Tax: What to expect in 2024

In 2024, the new Global Minimum Tax (GMT) regime comes into force under the OECD’s base erosion and profit-shifting (BEPS) reforms. Designed to prevent the practice of moving profits to lower tax jurisdictions, under the new “Pillar Two” rules, companies whose revenues exceed €750m will have to pay a minimum tax rate of 15% in […] … Read More

How organisations can save on the growing costs and complexity of compliance

How organisations can save on the growing costs and complexity of compliance

As governments around the world require digitalised methods for e-invoicing and real-time monitoring and reporting of business transactions, multinational organisations face many complex and costly compliance challenges. In particular, mandates for e-invoicing and continuous transaction controls (CTC) are data-intensive initiatives that demand speed, accuracy, and transparency all at once. Complying with these mandates requires technology, […] … Read More

Tax data analytics for the modern indirect tax department

Tax data analytics for the modern indirect tax department

Indirect tax departments large and small are in constant need of accurate tax data analytics to comply with ever-evolving global tax regulations. What’s changed is the speed these requirements have come into effect. Historically, manual data analysis – time permitting – has been the only option for corporate indirect tax professionals. Still, advances in data […] … Read More

How indirect tax technology can shape tomorrow’s tax departments

How indirect tax technology can shape tomorrow’s tax departments

2020 has been a very different year compared to what we all expected. From an indirect tax perspective, the phase two deadline of MTD for VAT was on the horizon for 2020. Planning for Brexit, whilst uncertain, was definitely on the radar. The pandemic upended all of this and took everyone into a daunting and […] … Read More

Phase two of MTD will require digital links and an uninterrupted digital journey

Phase two of MTD will require digital links and an uninterrupted digital journey

HMRC’s Making Tax Digital (MTD) is about more than just introducing new rules; it’s about the digital transformation of tax. This agenda is creating a new, digitalised tax environment beyond indirect tax that all businesses will need to navigate going forward. It presents many opportunities for management through a new line of sight across the […] … Read More